Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Note Pad

Theres nothing like starting a new notepad. Last summer I bought a 4 pack of steno notepads from Office Max, and this week I started scribbling in the 3rd one. Ahhh, when the ink slides out of a pen on a crisp and soft paper leaving your thoughts, ideas and musings on the page. It sounds romantic until you read the word "Pussycheese" on my notes. I have notes on Google Docs, type out stuff on AK notes on my phone, but I still like writing things out. When you fill a page theres a sense of accomplishment that goes with it. I like that, I kinda need to know I'm making constant progress. Its funny to see a pristine notepad thats neat and super thin, with a stiff backing in 4 months turns into something floppy mess twice the original size. I take my pad with me wherever I go,. When I teach class its at my Desk, when I go home I throw it on my bed, till I get ready to work. But whenever I go to an open Mic or hang out with other comics I take my pad with me. Its dorky to say but I feel like a pen and a pad are kinda like my sword and shield. I kinda get irked when people ask me for a sheet of paper or to borrow my pen. New, pad means new material. On the first page I listed a bunch of premises I haven't worked on, and systematically Im gonna go through them and make jokes. As I get laughs from them Ill keep honing, and sharpening them. If I fill up the pad before they're all done, Ill move on to the next one. Ahh Newness.
Old one on top, new on on the bottom.

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