Sunday, May 17, 2015


Big Changes are looming. A week ago I turned 31, it was my first sober Birthday since I was 17. I have not had any alcohol since 2 days before New Years 2015, and have been weed free so far for all of May. I got a new buzz, it's working and enjoying it. From booking venues, to creating/producing comedy shows,  Plus ripping up the stage I'm having more fun, and enjoying my time on stage in front of others more than ever. I spent that Saturday night, May 9th with some close friends watching a Live Wrestling Show. I haven't had that much fun in years. It made it really special for me.

Without all these substances clogging my reception filters, I feel I'm taking more in, and enjoying everything around me more and more. I've become addicted to making accomplishments, whether its setting short term and long terms goals, I feel like I'm making headway, and living the way I should and deserve.

Last wednesday I competed in a Comedy Competition at LOL Comedy for The SouthWest Laughfest. I took 1st place in the satellite round and won a trip to..... EL PASO, TX. The contest is about a month away. The Grand Prize is $5,000. Can you say Car Fund? Ill be doing my damndest to kick some ass there in the contest. Plus itll get me in front of the booker in El Paso again, The Comic Strip is a fantastic venue, that runs like a top with a top notch staff.

Between now and the contest next month There's a lot I have to do. First I'll be going to West Virginia to watch my youngest niece Yasmine graduate from High School. I was supposed to visit my family last Christmas, but was such a drunk and depressed piece of shit I didn't make it. I was so mad at myself for not being able to that I would drown all my sorrows and feel pretty worthless about that. I don't feel worthless anymore, I feel in control and conscious of my own destiny. Towards the end of the year, I made a list of things that would make me a better comedian, one of them was to stop drinking. Almost 5 months later, I'm okay. When I go to bars, I order a couple O'Douls (Irish for Disappointment) and I'm good. Sometimes I miss the buzz, but having a wallet full of cash and more time from not recovering from perpetual hangovers far outweigh the brief temporary buzz the booze would give me. Sure I've been stressed out and had the urge to self medicate, but I tell myself that worrying and thinking negative thoughts will not change anything, I temporarily block it out, and  subconsciously my mind will find a way to a solution. Maybe its 1 part karma and 1 part positive thinking and 10,000 parts of busting my ass. Enough of all this mental health mumbo jumbo, I'm almost hating the bullshit Im spewing. If I would've read what I just wrote a year ago, Id be thinking "What kinda new age hippie bullshit is this?". All I can tell you is that it works for me.

Will I drink again? probably,but I'm kinda challenging myself not to. I'm not gonna make a big deal out of it. I don't brag about it online to get likes. Not that doing that is shitty. Its more for myself and not internet achievement back padding.

I cannot wait to board that train to Pittsburgh in less than a week to see my Sister, Nieces and even my Brother in law. I miss them fiercely, and am also looking forward to the change of pace of being away from the grind of Teaching classes, making countless emails, calls and fliers. I mean Ill still be doing what I can with what I got, but a change of scenery will do me some good. Being in the mountains of West Virginia always remind me of  my childhood in Germany and about how much time I spent outside. It'll be good for me to get into a decent sleep schedule, bond with some 4 legged creatures and most importantly spend time with my Sister.

The Avengers have nothing on my Sister. My eyes are already welling up, because of the love and admiration I have for her. She is the Strongest, toughest, most resilient, caring, supreme overlord badass I have ever known. It would take me a thousand lifetimes to tell you what an amazing person she is. The closest thing I could think of is If you mixed Chuck Norris with Batman, that's how badass my Sis is. If I were the Dagmar of Comedy, Louis C.K. and Fluffy, would be asking to be part of my tour. Having Dagmar for a sister is like finding out you're related to sunshine and puppy barks. My brother in law Ken (her husband) is okay too, I guess.  I want to make it in comedy so I can take care of my sis and family to where the only thing they have to worry about is when they had to worry about something. While the rush of counting a thousand dollars cash and getting a standing ovation is cool, it pales in comparison to hearing the words "I'm so Proud of You" from her.

While on the subject of things I cherish and love, lets talk Nerdcore. I FUCKING LOVE PERFORMING NERDCORE COMEDY SHOWS. The rush and exhilaration I get from performing nerdcore I get is indescribable. The closest thing I could compare it too is eating gummy worms out of Jennifer Lawrence's velvet orchid while "new game" smell fills your lungs. At the Dallas Anime convention, A-Kon 26, me and partner in crime Mike Suarez will be doing 2 shows. Ill be headlining the PG show, and Hosting the Adult one.Its gonna be sick and I cannot wait.

But Now its Sunday and I have to write roast jokes to take my friends down a peg or two. I shouldn't have waited this long, but this tuesdays #BraindeadComedy show is going to be epic. I can feel it already.

Tuesday May 19th 9:30, Zombies Bar, 4202 Thousand Oaks Dr, San Antonio, TX 78217

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