Over the last year and a half, I've gotten back into professional wrestling...err I mean Sports Entertainment as Chairman Vince McMahon would have you believe. There's that old joke of, "I used to watch a lot of Wrestling, then I turned 14." I dont know If I'm living out my own teenage fantasy of getting paid to swear on stage, wearing cartoon character t shirts. living in a house with my best friends, playing videogames all night, eating pizza 4 times a week. If you tell kids they can make a living like that, teachers would have me shot.
alas I digress.
San Antonio, is a hotbed for Pro Wrestling, Shawn Michaels the Heartbreak kid, Mr Wrestlemania is from here. So theres that.
But getting back into wrestling after performing on stage myself, I have garnered a whole new respect for these athletes/performers. To put up with all the physical abuse they go through, and then adding the most grueling travel schedule you could think of, I'm just blown away.
I can also respect that for a lot of the people I watch and cheer for, this is their dream and passion and I kinda feed off of that. I've especially come to like the NXT division of WWE. NXT is their developmental league. The passion, skill and exuberance from these men and women is outstanding. One of the chants I heard last night during a match was "Better Than Raw". I guess I kinda understand now how some people prefer college football over Pro Football games.
I would love to go to another Live Wrestling event. The atmosphere is amazing. Next years Wrestlemania will be at The Dallas Cowboys Stadium. I might have to go to this.
This years Wrestlemania Ill be chilling at home, wearing my Bo Dallas t-shirt I picked up a couple weeks ago and chanting right along. The next day, me and my buddy Mike Suarez will be doing RAW at Retox: Verbal Smackdown. Where we'll be commentating over the Wrestling action.
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